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Azuma Makoto, a Pioneer in the Field of Floral Design

Verdissimo World

azuma makoto un pionero del diseño floral - verdissimo

Azuma Makoto, a Pioneer in the Field of Floral Design

Here at Verdissimo, the largest producer of preserved flowers and plants, we’re continuing our series of articles about designers. This time we’ve selected artist Azuma Makoto, one of the greats of the world of floral design.

azuma makoto un pionero del diseño floral - verdissimo

Who is Azuma Makoto?

Azuma Makoto is a Japanese artist who was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1976. Most of his work revolves around floral art, especially botanical sculptures and arrangements.

Early in life his dream was to be a musician, for which reason Makoto, working on this goal, moved to Tokyo. It was there that, in order to make money, he started to work at a florist shop. This fact completely changed his life for it was there that he discovered the beauty of flowers and the similarities that they have to music.

Starting in 2002 this Japanese artist began to innovate with the arrangements and sculptures that he made, becoming a pioneer in the sector and achieving a lot of popularity on the international level.

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What Are His Best Works?

Azuma Makoto is known mainly for the following works of art:

  1. A bonsai in space

Azuma Mokoto was the first artist to send a bonsai into space. In 2014 he was in charge of sending this miniature tree into the stratosphere, thus creating some incredible images to be left for posterity. Many people from around the world admired his work, which transcended nationality and social class. We might see this type of now-famous art work again in 2017, when the artist said that he would do it again.

The images created by this project were incredible.

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  1. Freezing still lives of plants in blocks of ice

This time his art work was carried out on Earth and consisted of placing flowers in blocks of ice, specifically 16 large blocks of ice. The purpose of the artist on this occasion was to discover the expression of the flowers in an environment that was different than the usual one and also to reveal the mutual effects of ice and flowers, creating a contrast that is truly worthy of admiration.

Once again, Makoto has left us some spectacular images.

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  1. Photograph of the death of a million flowers

This time around, once again working on Earth, the artist wanted to showcase the expression of flowers in a different environment. On this occasion it was flowers that were about to die. Azuma Makoto immortalized this extremely innovative art with flashes in order to show the durability of his art.

In most countries, flowers are a symbol of life. In spite of this, Makoto has been able to use them to mean many other things in his floral creations.

Una publicación compartida de AzumaMakoto (@azumamakoto) el

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