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Verdissimo World

Minimalist Flower Arrangements - Verdissimo

Minimalist Flower Arrangements

Minimalism has been one of the most valued contemporary art trends in the United States since the 60s. This trend uses very basic elements for decoration because it’s based on the “less is more” of the famous architect Van der Rohe.

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4 Trees to Decorate Your Indoor Patio - Verdissimo

4 Trees to Decorate Your Indoor Patio

Do you have an indoor space that is grey and is not used very often? If you are looking to give a natural touch to your indoor patio, you can decorate it with Verdissimo’s preserved plants. These products are the perfect option for interior decoration.

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Showing 1 to 264 of 301 results

preserved rose inspiration summer

pepper tree valentine's day home decoration arrangements advantages

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products mini cala chrysanthemum compositions bonsai eucalyptus

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  • Preserved flowers
  • Verdissimo Products
  • Verdissimo World
  • Verdissimo