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IPM ESSEN: Green, Great, Gorgeous

Verdissimo World

IPM ESSEN: Green, Great, Gorgeous

From January 23 to 26, 2024, Verdissimo will be at the IPM ESSEN fair, which will be held at the Essen Convention Center in Essen, Germany, an exhibit that is considered one of the world’s leading horticultural encounters and a trading place for the flower, plant, floristry, and gardening sector in all its branches.

This is the space where 1,330 exhibitors from 46 countries showcase innovations in their products and services to nearly 40,000 visitors, factors that make IPM a place of great diversity and a source of novelties in its field.

The main themes of the event will be climate change and sustainability, areas in which Verdissimo has been working for several years. It is an opportunity to share and learn about our social responsibility initiatives, that are brought together in our Verdissimo Being Conscious campaign.

We look forward to your participation.

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