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Ceiling decoration: ideas that you’ll adore

Verdissimo World

ceiling decoration ideas that youll adore - verdissimo

Ceiling decoration: ideas that you’ll adore

Ceiling decoration has become a must-have in interior decoration. More and more interior decorators are going for wider and cleaner spaces where the ceiling is the decorative element that captures everybody’s attention.

ceiling decoration ideas that youll adore - verdissimo

And, the ceilings are a decoration resource of great visual impact. In addition, to focus our efforts in their decoration is good given they don’t deteriorate as much because they can’t be touched, and what’s most important nowadays is that they don’t take away space from diners at restaurant tables and bars, this is of great value due to the capacity restrictions and the mandatory minimum separation caused by the special circumstances that we live in.

This is possible for different decorative styles and for different spaces and businesses: from offices to homes, restaurants, hotels, dance clubs, etc.

In this post, from Verdissimo, the leading producer of preserved flowers and plants, we’ll give you some ideas that you’ll adore, especially ideas for decorating ceilings that you’ll want to copy for your clothes shop, office or even for your home.

Some of these ideas include: hanging lamps, plants and flowers for decorating ceilings and iron sculptures. We’ll give you the details of each of these ideas throughout this post, along with images so you can visualize the final result.

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Hanging lamps

Lamps are a top decorative element for ceilings. They’re hung long-term to decorate this part of the space and you can find many different types. Nowadays, since ceiling decoration is booming, they’re much larger and often hanging. However, for this you must keep in mind that they’ll only look good when decorating high ceilings.

Here we’ll show you an example of a large, voluminous hanging lamp. Made with preserved products. The integration of these products in the lamps is one of the latest trends of this season.

Ceiling Decoration Lamp - Verdissimo

Plants and flowers

Lamps aren’t the only way to decorate ceilings. Flowers and plants are trendy nowadays for decorating all types of spaces, including vertical gardens for walls and ceilings. We see this trend everywhere in the best shops of the biggest cities, which is also gaining traction for offices and other spaces.

But what type of plants and flowers are right for decorating ceilings? You can also hang vertical gardens from the ceiling, using moss or hanging plants.

In the image below, we’ll show you ceiling decoration with vertical walls.
Ceiling Decoration Plants & Flowers - Verdissimo

Iron sculptures

Sculptures made with iron and other materials are a very intriguing option for decorating ceilings. Different sculptures can be made depending on the decorative style, using different materials. It’s a little-used option for decoration, but it’s innovative and striking. It’s another idea that we adore because it’s original.

Below we’ll show you the result of this type of ceiling decoration in a Madrid restaurant. The look is incredible, don’t you think?


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Light cascade

If you want to create an atmosphere charged with romance you can design a light cascade. This type of ceiling decoration is trending most of all in events, although in certain places where the objective is to create a warm atmosphere it’s also a good option. This cascade of lights can be achieved with the placement of garlands, and also with a set of small lamps placed at different heights.

Ceiling Decoration Moss - Verdissimo

Fishbowls and branches

You can hang fishbowls filled with flowers from the ceiling, candles … and accompany it with branches. This trend, the same as the previous one, we love it for the decoration of indoor events, and even for some commercial spaces with a romantic atmosphere, even for a Nordic style. The bowls may be small and can be filled by a single rose to create a boho space.


Art in ceiling decoration

Art and decoration are two concepts that go together. In ceiling decoration we find that some trends are creating innovative environments formed by the tops of trees giving the effect of being circulating under the trees, either in grids as a vertical garden but “horizontally” in the ceiling, or with the creation of vegetable clouds, creating fantastical and different dreamlike sensations

Ceiling Decoration Greens - Verdissimo

Where can you get products for interior ceiling decoration? You can definitely opt for our products. You can see them in our catalog of preserved plants and flowers that’s available to view. If you want to see other products for decorating interior spaces, take a look at our catalog of preserved trees.

All our products are for interior decoration or short-term event decoration. They hardly need any maintenance since they last over time without needing any water or light. That’s because they’re absolutely the best products for decorating ceilings. Their look is completely fresh because the products are 100% natural and after being preserved, they’ll last over time.

What should you keep in mind for decorating ceilings? Next we’ll give you some details to keep in mind before decorating ceilings in any space, including:

  • The height of the ceiling: you may want all the decoration for the space to hang from the ceiling, but if it’s low, your dream won’t come true. Because of this, it’s important to have the ceiling as high as possible to create a sense of spaciousness.
  • The decorative style: you can decorate ceilings for any decorative style. However, to do this, you’ll have to keep in mind the style and select the right type of ceiling decoration and decorative elements (plants, lamps, vertical gardens, etc.)


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