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How to preserve leaves

Verdissimo World

how to preserve leaves - verdissimo

How to preserve leaves

Do you know how to preserve leaves? In previous articles, we’ve talked about how to preserve a plant forever, but is preserving plants and flower the same as leaves? How long does a preserved leaf last? In this post, from Verdissimo, the leading producer of preserved plants and flowers, we’ll answer these questions.

how to preserve leaves - verdissimo

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Differences between preserving leaves and flowers

To preserve leaves, you must cut them at their prime moment of beauty. They should be grown with great care to get beautiful ones.

After cutting the leaves, you should start the preservation process, which consists of adding a preserving liquid (composed of glycerin, water and stabilizers) over the leaf structure for several days. This liquid is added as the leaf’s sap evaporates, leaving behind this preserving liquid.

After the preservation process, you should do a cleaning control to eliminate dirt and decay that the leaf may have suffered.

This cleaning is done to guarantee the maximum quality and beauty of the leaf, so you should do a thorough clean.

As you can see, the preservation process of leaves is very similar to that of plants and flowers. However, there’s a key difference: the preservation process for stems has a much slower preservation period and leaves don’t require drying.

In addition, after the preservation process (when the sap is replaced by the preserving liquid), flowers must be stored in a special chamber so they start to dry. They should stay in this chamber for several days, before doing the final clean.

How long does a preserved leaf last?

Preserved leaves (tropical leaves and others) like flowers, last for at least a year, as long as they’re placed in dry spaces that aren’t in direct sunlight.

However, leaves typically tend to be more resistant than flowers. They can be cleaned by using a slightly damp cloth to dust them. You can even add antistatic silicone to prevent dust from accumulating on them, which is impossible to do with preserved flowers.

Origin of preservation

The origin of preservation is related to taxidermists. They were the first to start to preserve the state of “something” so that it didn’t decay. However, taxidermists were dedicated to preserving the state of animals, and even today they continue doing so.

Farmers also developed preservation processes using glycerin, especially in Italy.

Nowadays, preservation is done in many industries and places around the world. In the floristry industry, Verdissimo plays a key role. We’re one of the leading producers of preserved plants, leaves and flowers worldwide.

Verdissimo’s Preserved Tropical Leaves

When making your floral compositions, mixing colours and varieties of plants is crucial. In floral art the use of colour is as important as presentation in order to achieve the most attractive and natural look possible.

Colourful Tropical Preserved Leaves: Which do you prefer? - Verdissimo

At Verdissimo, you will find a large selection of exotic preserved tropical leaves in different colours, so you can combine them with your favourite flowers to create unique and original compositions.

With preserved leaves and flowers you can make floral decoration that is as beautiful or is even more beautiful than fresh flowers. And, of course, the result lasts much longer as preserved plants last for months or even years without losing their original appearance.

Advantages of decorating with preserved leaves

  • The preservation technique creates a long-lasting product by substituting the sap with a liquid compound made from glycerine, which allows the plant to maintain its original appearance for a long time.
  • You can make exotic compositions with a variety of leaves and flowers that are hard to find when fresh. Thanks to preservation, you can use these leaves and flowers.
  • They need minimal maintenance.
  • Decoration with preserved leaves and flowers enhance any corner, piece of furniture, candles or any other decorative piece.
  • They do not need to be watered, have access to direct sunlight or need any of the care that a fresh plant needs.
  • They are ecological as they are a 100% natural product.
  • They are economic as they are excellent value for money.

How to combine coloured leaves and flowers

To make sure you get the combination right, remember that colours are divided into 3 main categories:

  • Primary colours: yellow, red and blue
  • Secondary colours: These colours are obtained by mixing the primary colours: orange, green and violet
  • Tertiary colours: These colours are obtained by mixing a primary colour and a secondary colour: There are 6 colours with different tones (colours of the rainbow).

Each primary colour is opposite to a secondary colour: for example, blue to orange, red to green or yellow to purple. These are complimentary colours.

In order to obtain a harmonious and natural result, use these guidelines when making your compositions:

If you put a green leaf on one end, some red element should go on the opposite end, and so on.

The result won’t be very attractive if you group the 3 primary colours together.

To create contrasting harmonies, use the complementary colours. For example, a red flower in the middle of olive green leaves.

Place the most intense or dark colours at the bottom of the floral composition as they have greater visual weight than light colours.


At Verdissimo, you will find an incredible variety of preserved flowers and plants and a great team of advisors for your interior decoration.

Verdissimo | Discover the beauty of preserved roses!

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