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Decorating with roses

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Decorating with roses

Decorating with roses is a type of interior decoration that has become important in recent years, since roses are able to transform any space without needing to create large floral arrangements, thanks to their beauty and symbolism.

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In this post from Verdissimo, the leading producer of preserved plants and flowers, we’ll talk about decorating with roses. We’ll talk about ideas for decorating with roses, give you some tips for decorating with roses and also go over the relationship these flowers have with boho decoration.

Ideas for decorating with roses

Below, we’ll give you some ideas for decorating with roses: centerpieces, vases, hanging pots and kitchens – all with preserved roses. We’ll give you all the details in this section!

  1. Centerpiece with preserved roses: a centerpiece is a perfect element of décor for a table. We love roses for centerpieces both at home and for any sort of event, such as a wedding, communion, birthday, or baptism. Nevertheless, you should keep the type of event in mind when deciding what color of rose to use since the meaning of roses is based on their color. For more details, we recommend reading our article, “The Significance of Roses Based on Their Color”.

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  2. A vase with preserved roses: vases with preserved roses are perfect for decorating the interior of a home. You can use vase made of various materials: glass, steel, ceramics, etc. With regards to the material, you need to be very conscious of the style of the interior space in question when deciding which kind to use. For example, if you want to create a more natural environment, we recommend using a material like wood, whereas if you’re thinking of creating a more industrial touch for the space, we would advise using a material such as steel.

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  3. A hanging flower pot with preserved roses: hanging flower pots with roses are perfect for a more boho-chic environment. If you specifically use red preserved roses, you’ll give the space that ideal touch of color for achieving that style. On the other hand, by putting white and pastel roses in a hanging basket, you’ll provide the space with a romantic touch that’s perfect for a warm, welcoming home.

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  4. Preserved roses in the kitchen: the kitchen is the part of the home that has really come into its own in the last few years with regards to interior décor. Every day, more and more people decide to decorate this part of their house with plants and flowers to give it a special touch. Roses are often the best Verdissimo product for decorating the kitchen, whether in hanging baskets, vases, or other receptacles.

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  5. Preserved roses in the bathroom: besides kitchens, bathrooms in homes and offices are among the spaces that have seen the most change recently. It used to be that bathrooms were all but forgotten when it came to floral décor, but nowadays more people are finding ways to integrate natural decorations into these spaces. For decorating bathrooms we recommend roses, either in vibrant colors to provide a unique touch or in pastels to create peace and tranquility.

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Tips for interior decorating with roses

Wondering how to correctly decorate the interior of a room? It’s easier than you think. Below, we’ll give you some tips to make it easy for you:

  1. Use the right color of roses: for your rose decoration to be successful, you should choose the right rose colors. These may be different from other decorative elements to provide color accents, or combine with other elements such as curtains, cushions, etc.
  1. Combining roses correctly: you can use roses as a single floral element. However, if you decide to combine them with other products, take care to do it correctly. We love combining roses with hydrangeas!
  2. Adapt the floral arrangement to the style of the room: the rose floral arrangement should match the decorative style of the room. For example, decorating with white roses is suitable for Nordic and minimalist styles, while decorating with red roses is more appropriate for boho styles.

Boho decoration

Boho is a very free style where colors play a very important role. For this reason, here at Verdissimo we recommend certain flowers, such as red roses for this type of décor since they bring the color and sense of joy necessary for interior spaces when you’re trying to create an ambience of vitality and energy.

In this article we’re going to talk about the key principles behind boho-chic, a trend that’s very much in style for both homes and events, such as anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, etc.

In addition, we’ll explain why red roses are an essential element of this type of décor and the importance of utilizing them to create feelings of love, beauty, or passion.

Key points for boho decoration

Below, we’ll tell you about the key points for boho decoration:

  • Interest in other cultures and civilizations: This style of décor demonstrates a lot of interest in other cultures, inspired by elements from other civilizations. You can achieve a boho style with objects from other countries, such as, for example, souvenirs from trips abroad, photographs, handcrafts… In other words, objects that tell a story from some faraway place.
  • Color: One of the main characteristics of boho décor is intense color. This is the most common element of all spaces that are considered boho-chic; that’s why this is one of the styles of décor where some of the most spectacular flowers in the world are often seen, as is the case with red roses. This type of décor also frequently combines intense colors with natural tones, such as green and blue. Remember that decorating with red roses is the best option for achieving a boho style!
  • Textures and patterns: To make your space boho, it’s essential that you include elements (chairs, cushions, rugs…) that have ethnic patterns or colorful geometric drawings.

Using roses in boho decoration

There are multiple uses for roses in boho decoration. These beautiful flowers may be used in the following ways:

  • As centerpieces: centerpieces with red roses are one of the most used elements in boho-style floral decoration for the home. They’re perfect for providing a natural touch to a room – for example, a dining room. Since roses can be found in many bright colors, they’re also perfect for giving a color accent to a room.
  • In bouquets: in bouquets, just like centerpieces and other floral arrangements, roses are the perfect element for decorating a boho-style home. Also, unlike centerpieces, rose bouquets can be placed in many places other than the table – for example on shelves, in the kitchen, in an entryway, etc.
  • In vertical gardens: usually preserved moss, grass and other similar products are used in vertical gardens. However, if you want to give a color accent to a vertical garden, you can opt for using red roses or other flowers. It will be a hit for your boho décor!

Know other uses for roses in decoration? Tell us all your rose decoration tips in the comments.

Why use red roses in boho spaces?

Throughout the whole world red roses are the flower best known for their beauty and intense color, but… do you know the meaning behind red roses? In our article “The meaning of red roses” we talk about the clear symbolism of red roses: love and passion.

A bouquet of red roses in a home is perfect for creating an environment of love and passion worthy of a couple of lovers. In addition, the color of the red roses combined with other elements will provide the space with sufficient strength and liveliness to achieve a boho ambience.

Specifically, we recommend that the bouquet of red roses be composed of preserved flowers so as to make the idyllic ambience last longer. Red roses stand out prominently in Verdissimo’s catalog of preserved flowers due to their extensive use in interior décor.

Don’t forget that decorating with preserved roses is the best option, given that preserved flowers and plants don’t need light or water and are very low maintenance; for this reason they’re ideal for decorating interior spaces.

Verdissimo | Discover the beauty of preserved flowers!

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