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We are Florverde!

Verdissimo World

We are Florverde!

The cultivation at our production center in Tocancipa Colombia, Innovaflora Colombia, is certified with the Florverde Sustainable Flowers certification, another achievement on our journey towards even cleaner and more sustainable production.

What is Florverde

Sustainable floriculture with social responsibility, along with the pursuit of good agricultural practices, minimizing the use of agrochemicals, protecting fundamental rights of workers, product quality, and managerial responsibility, have been the goals of the Florverde Sustainable Flowers certification for the past 25 years. This program was created by the Colombian Association of Flower Exporters (ASOCOLFLORES, of which we are a part) as a tool to promote sustainable floriculture with social responsibility.

The Florverde certification is globally recognized as one of the highest standards in agricultural production.

What is it for?

The Florverde certification is globally recognized as one of the highest standards in agricultural production. Therefore, obtaining it is synonymous with good practices and high-quality processes.

In addition to the above, it instills confidence in the markets by ensuring compliance with social and environmental standards, establishing guidelines for continuous improvement and the application of internal control tools to verify crop management. It guarantees traceability and control over products, enhances competitiveness, and, finally, facilitates access to new markets.

We are very proud of this achievement because it once again demonstrates that we are constantly improving and progressing in our models of quality, social responsibility, and sustainable production.

We are Verdissimo | Discover the beauty of preserved flowers!

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