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The desert rose

Verdissimo World

la rosa del desierto - verdissimo

The desert rose

Have you ever heard of the desert rose? Despite what many may think, this rose isn’t a desert flower. Wondering what it could be? Don’t miss this article from Verdissimo, the leading producer of preserved plants and flowers, we’ll tell you about the desert rose, where you can find it and the uses this wonder of nature has. Here we go!

la rosa del desierto - verdissimo

What is a desert rose?

Desert roses are sedimentary rocks that form in deserts. They’re called that because their shape is similar to roses, since the crystals that are produced cluster together, simulating rose petals.

They’re usually made up of gypsum, water and sand, and their color is between beige and brown, like desert sand.

This rock is an extremely soft mineral, so care and conservation should be done delicately and cautiously. Usually, a small brush is moistened to clean it.

This rose is known for its beauty and nowadays it’s very sought-after for its properties and uses, which we’ll mention below.

la rosa del desierto interna - verdissimo

What uses does the desert rose have?

The use of this rose has nothing to do with the traditional rose (flower). Also, the meaning of roses doesn’t apply to the desert rose either.

The desert rose is said to have numerous healing and spiritual properties, and its main uses are the following:

  • Fights off negativity
  • Strengthens willpower
  • Improves concentration
  • Reduces sadness
  • Balances the mind
  • Boosts memory
  • Reduces shyness
  • Reduces feelings of inferiority
  • Soothes mental, muscular and joint diseases

However, if your only goal is to use it as a decorative element, keep in mind that it gives off sand, so you’ll have to regularly clean the area where you place it.

Where can you find the desert rose?

The desert rose can be found in many parts of the world. Though its conditions are somewhat specific, for example: desert climate, sandy soil and also, somewhere rich in gypsum.

Here are some of the best known places to find desert roses:

  • Sahara Desert
  • Fuerteventura
  • Canary Islands
  • Arizona
  • Ciudad Juárez

This is a short list of some of the places where desert rose deposits can be found. However, there are definitely many more. Do you know any? Tell us below!

And remember that at Verdissimo, we love to talk about flowers and other interior decoration elements, which is why we’ve revealed some of the most striking details about the desert rose in this article. We think it’s simply… stunning!

What do you think about the desert rose?

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